Millenary of Montserrat

Millenary of Montserrat
Ora, Lege, Labora, Rege te ipsum,
In Communitate


Montserrat celebrates thousand years of history of the Abbey, when in 1025 Abbot Oliba, Abbot of Ripoll and Bishop of Vic, sent a group of monks to form a small community on the mountain of Montserrat.


This year marks a transcendental milestone for the Monastery of Montserrat: the beginning of the celebration of its Millennium.

For a millennium it has been and continues to be a spiritual and cultural reference, attracting pilgrims and visitors from all over the world.

Throughout these thousand years, Montserrat has witnessed great historical events and has played a fundamental role in the religious and cultural life of Catalonia, becoming a world-renowned place of pilgrimage and devotion.

1025 - 2025

On 7 September, the 1000th anniversary celebrations officially began. And during the next 15 months of the Millenary celebrations, under the motto Ora, Lege, Labora, Rege te ipsum, In Communitate (Pray, Read, Work, Pray to yourself, in community), more than 1,000 activities open to the whole of society will take place, grouped into four main blocks: religious, cultural, participative and social.


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