A priority embedded in our
business model

The Aeri de Montserrat works on a daily basis towards being the main entry point to Monastery, providing a sustainable means of transport that is respectful towards the environment and to people.


Beyond being the oldest running cable car in Spain and part of the industrial heritage of Catalonia, the Aeri has a forward-looking mindset and is deeply committed to social responsibility, a trait which runs through the company’s DNA. This is why we have adopted an inclusive approach in our business operations, taking into account the economic, social and environmental factors in order to promote joint action by people and organizations.


We have incorporated the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations (SDGs) into our own work agenda, encouraging people who travel on the Aeri as well as other local organizations to get involved.


Our priorities are centered around three main pillars from which we develop our five lines of work:

  • We advocate the importance of economic activity to reduce poverty and promote well-being with a special focus on those who are most vulnerable (ODS 1)
  • We support the development of people in the workplace and we are committed to hiring locally (ODS 8)
  • We encourage climate action by contributing towards the reduction of the ecological footprint, especially through the promotion of sustainable mobility (ODS 13).


We implement our strategy of social responsibility alongside people and organisations, through five lines of work that connect the economic, social and environmental spheres.


The Aeri firmly believes that the economy should have a social purpose that goes towards improving the quality of life of those most in need. That is why we allocate a third of our profits towards social initiatives. Through the purchase of tickets, passengers actively participate in the fight against social precarity, by contributing towards helping those who need it the most.


We work hand in hand with local organizations such as Càritas, Creu Roja or the Abadia de Montserrat 2025 Foundation to fight against vulnerability and social exclusion through a series of initiatives:

We support various Càritas projects in the parishes of Sant Feliu de Llobregat, Terrassa and Barcelona, addressing the basic needs of people at risk of social exclusion.
We contribute towards the protection and care of some of the most vulnerable people from the various municipalities surrounding the Montserrat Mountain, our most immediate environment. These types of initiatives help to reduce stigma and thus favour the normalisation of all people.
We collaborate with the Escolania de Montserrat school grant program, facilitating access to children showing vocal or musical talent who come from lower income families.
Aeri employees, past and present


Further than being one of our commitments, looking after human capital is a strategic element: the Aeri team contributes significantly towards the Aeri being a unique experience which is highly valued by its passengers. We believe that the people who make up the Aeri team are the heart and soul of the organization as well as its best ambassadors.
The commitment of those who comprise the company and the excellence of their work have been two of the Aeri’s hallmarks since its inception, allowing us to overcome a multitude of challenges through this joint effort. To be part of the Aeri team is to be part of a company with a long history, a heritage of the collective legacy.
We aim to instill, among other things, work stability, security in the workplace, the equality of opportunities and the development of skills. We actively encourage the participation of our workers in social and voluntary initiatives.


The Aeri was founded in 1930 as a means of transportation which offered a safer, faster and more comfortable access to the mountain than the road at that time. This innovative vision has only been consolidated as the years have gone by. Since it started running, more than 19 million people have chosen the Aeri as the means by which to access the Montserrat Monastery.


Nowadays the Aeri goes well beyond being simply a safe and fast alternative to road transportation, it represents sustainable mobility.


Using the Aeri means a reduction of 70% of the CO2 emissions compared to a petrol car and produces practically no noise pollution.


The low environmental impact of the Aeri’s activity helps preserve the local biodiversity as well as the air quality of the Montserrat mountain






More than 1.5 million people have used the Aeri since 2015. This figure accounts for a saving of many thousands of tonnes of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions compared to conventional combustion vehicles over the last 6 years alone.

On average, a single user accessing the Montserrat Monastery via the Aeri contributes to a 70% reduction in CO2 emissions compared to using a petrol or diesel car, as well as contributing to a reduction in noise pollution.


The low ecological footprint resulting from the activity of the Aeri contributes towards improving the biodiversity of the Montserrat mountain and the air quality of the surrounding area. In this sense, we are working to generate different partnerships with environmental entities and organisations that promote mountain hiking and the preservation of nature.


We apply special discounts to the Federació d’Entitats Excursionistes de Catalunya (FEEC) and we offer free access to the Rodamunt Association in order to facilitate the practice of mountain hiking for people with reduced mobility, through the use of the Joëlette trekking wheelchairs.


At the Aeri, we are also committed to other measures relating to energy efficiency and the circular economy, especially those linked to the optimisation of processes, reuse and recycling. We have placed a series of recycling bins at stations to encourage the sorting of waste and, from 2020, we will be offering our passengers the option to buy tickets online, thereby contributing to the reduction of paper and a faster and more efficient service.


The Aeri de Montserrat not only offers breathtaking views of the mountain and its surroundings, but it does so in a sustainable way, running on 100% green energy.

40% of the energy required for its operation comes from solar panels installed on the upper station, generating clean, renewable electricity directly on site. The rest of the energy is purchased from certified green sources, ensuring that the entire operation of the Aeri is environmentally friendly.

This initiative aligns with our commitment to sustainability and the fight against climate change. In this way, the Aeri becomes an example to follow in sustainable transport, demonstrating that it is possible to offer an efficient and comfortable service while protecting the environment.


70% of our suppliers are local companies and 75% are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). We contribute to the economic dynamism of the territory through the criteria of responsible purchasing, promoting decent work and economic growth.





Safety has been a constant feature of the Aeri’s operations throughout its history, thanks to the constant incorporation of technology and new measures that guarantee the smooth running in the transportation of passengers and the prevention of occupational hazards for workers.


The “Safe Tourism Certified” seal of the Institute for Spanish Tourism Quality certifies the Aeri as being a 100% safe means of transport, making it easier for passengers to enjoy the experience even more.


The Aeri integrates tradition, modernity and sustainable mobility in an experience that everyone can enjoy and that welcomes anyone who appreciates the values represented by the Montserrat Mountain.

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